Profile has expired publication period.
To know the number of this girl please send sms: EIN GET 152194 to 1881
(price - 0,60 EUR)
To know the number of this girl please send sms: EIN GET 152194 to 1881
(price - 0,60 EUR)
VERA HOT Telephone number hidden
Call and say that thanks to the portal You found her!
My name is Vera and I'm an elite companion with an exclusive style.
I have made my personal companionship available to upscale,professional gentlemen.
I strive to provide the best companionship for every occasion.I possess sex appeal,femininity,sense of humor,stunning look and of course,that something special.Outcall only.
Profile viewes:
Today: 2
Yesterday: 2
This month: 21
All time: 7725
Send message VERA HOT
How to renew profile
EIN REN 152194
Picking up a profile to the first place and extend by 14 days
2,00 EUR
EIN VIP 152194
Vip profile for 5 days and picking up a profile to the first place
2,85 EUR
EIN RO2 152194
Royal Vip profile for 2 days and picking up to the first place (need VIP)
2,85 EUR
EIN RO3 152194
Royal Vip profile for 3 days and picking up to the first place (need VIP)
5,00 EUR
EIN RO5 152194
Royal Vip profile for 5 days and picking up to the first place (need VIP)
7,11 EUR